The Children’s Ministry at Ryker’s Ridge Baptist Church exists to raise young people who are God-glorifying, God-fearing, Christ-honoring, Bible-saturated, doctrinally-grounded, faith-filled, soul-winning, mission-minded, spiritually-fruitful boys and girls who, by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, along with the leadership of their family, and the assistance of the church, become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
In order to accomplish our vision as a Children’s Ministry, we will:
- Provide God-centered, God-glorifying curriculum that teaches biblical truths, with
application of those truths in the lives of the children.
- Promote a classroom atmosphere that is godly and biblically-correct, rather than
one which reflects the culture. (This includes wall hangings, items kept in the
classroom and items brought in by the teachers.)
- Promote and assist parents with the biblical mandate that they are responsible for
the spiritual growth of their children with the father as the leader of the home.
- Provide opportunities for parents to learn skills, ideas, etc. to promote biblical
- Encourage parents to take advantage of opportunities to grow in their own
spiritual walk.
We currently use curriculum and resources from:
- Children Desiring God (ChildrenDesiringGod.org)
- Great Commission Publications (gcp.org)
- The Gospel Project (GospelProject.com/kids)
If you have any questions about our Children’s Ministry, we would be more than happy to
speak with you. Don’t hesitate to contact us. We want to partner with you to help disciple
your child as a follower of Jesus